
New Pure Ocean ambassador: Caroline Jouisse! Discover this Olympic open water swimmer

New Pure Ocean ambassador: Caroline Jouisse! Discover this Olympic open water swimmer

Caroline has been passionate about swimming since the age of 3. In 2012 she discovered open water swimming and was immediately seduced by the challenge of juggling the external elements and the strategy that this discipline requires.

In 2013, she won the Coupe de France! This victory is just the start of a successful career. 🏆

In 2019, she continues to shine on the international stage with the World Military Games in Wuhan, where she wins gold in the 5km open water relay and bronze in the 10km open water. That same year, she finished fourth in the 10 km open water World Cup season, demonstrating her consistency and excellence in her sport. 🌟

As an ocean athlete, Caroline is particularly aware of the importance of protecting this fragile environment essential to life on Earth. Ocean pollution affects her personally, so joining Pure Ocean to carry our messages and raise public awareness of this cause was a natural fit. 🌍

Today, Caroline is preparing for the 2024 Olympic Games, a major step in her career! We’re delighted to accompany her on this adventure and to count her among our ambassadors committed to preserving the ocean.


🎥 Video review of an exceptional evening!

Video review of an exceptional evening!

(Re)experience the highlights of our Gala de l’Océan through this video that recounts the energy, emotions and generosity that marked this memorable moment.

Gathered in an enchanting setting overlooking the Mediterranean, 250 ocean lovers gathered to celebrate our precious blue lung, in aid of ocean research!

Thanks to Allégoria studio for this video. And, of course, thanks again to all those who took part in the evening, and those who helped organize it, to our partners, to our donors, to all the Pure Ocean Lovers who made this event so unique!

See you next year!


European Union: nature restoration law definitively adopted thanks to Austria’s surprise support!

European Union: nature restoration law definitively adopted thanks to Austria's surprise support!

Good news for the ocean 🙌 The States of the European Union have definitively adopted the Nature Restoration Act!

This decision marks a significant step forward in the fight against biodiversity loss! 🌿

Thanks to this law, by 2030, ecosystem restoration measures will be introduced on 20% of EU-wide land and marine areas, and 30% of habitats (wetlands, forests…) in poor condition will be restored.

Other provisions aim to improve criteria for measuring forest health, remove dams from rivers, halt the decline of bees and strengthen the resilience of the seas, the world’s largest carbon reservoir.

This adoption is a historic victory for nature and society, and a turning point for ocean preservation. At Pure Ocean, we welcome this step forward and hope that governments will implement the text correctly and without delay. Let’s work together to protect our biodiversity!


Happy birthday to the Ocean & Climate Platform!

Happy birthday to the Ocean & Climate Platform!

Last Thursday, part of the team took part in POC’s 10th anniversary, a landmark event bringing together international players in the ocean community, organized by POC and IOC-UNESCO.

10 years ago, despite its central role in regulating the planet’s climate, the Ocean was THE great absentee from intergovernmental negotiations on climate change. Thanks to the collective commitment of the Ocean-Climate Platform team and its community of scientific, economic and institutional members, the ocean is now an integral part of national climate strategies.

Together, we celebrated a decade of action for the Ocean, Climate and Biodiversity, and discussed future priorities, including the 3rd UN Conference on the Ocean in 2025 and the UN Decade of Ocean Sciences.

Taking advantage of the prestigious UNESCO stage in Paris, the assembly reiterated the crucial need to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG14 on the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and marine resources. Olivier Poivre d’Arvor highlighted a number of areas for action, such as sharing regional visions of the ocean, taking local populations more fully into account, and essential collaboration with civil society players, citizens and businesses.

The event also provided an opportunity for a warm reunion with our partners and project leaders, such as Under the Pole (GENESIS project) and Victor Brun (SHAMA project).

Well done and thank you to Romain Troublé, Loreley Picourt, Françoise Gail, Anaïs Desprez, the entire POC team, and all the members of the member community for their determination and conviction: a healthy ocean is essential to our resilience and is our best ally in the face of today’s challenges.


Ocean protection awareness day a success at Arcanes!

Ocean protection awareness day a success at Arcanes!

Last Wednesday, we were delighted to join Arcanes, their partners Sage and Sagefondation and their customers for a day of commitment to preserving the ocean.

The programme,

A clean up to prevent plastic waste from ending up in the sea, while at the same time raising team awareness during an eco-responsible, high-impact teambuilding event.

A conference in the middle of the calanques during a boat trip to get closer to nature and raise awareness of its preservation.

During their afterwork at the Cercle des nageurs, our director Thomas talked about plastic pollution.

What a pleasure to have been able to work with such passionate and committed teams. Thank you for your energy, and see you soon for new conservation actions.


Marseille’s Printemps des Terrasses du Port commits to the ocean with Pure Ocean

Marseille's Printemps des Terrasses du Port commits to the ocean with Pure Ocean

From May 23 to August 18, customers will be able to make a €0.50 micro-donation when they check out! ✨ These donations will support the “Floating Reef” project, which deploys eco-friendly mooring buoys in the Mediterranean to protect the seabed. 🐠

This collaboration allows our cause to shine through thanks to the visibility of the campaign and the commitment of staff, trained to talk about Pure Ocean and our actions. 🙌

Thank you to Printemps des Terrasses du Port and all their customers for their commitment! 🤗 If you’re in the area, don’t hesitate to contribute!


How can we engage companies to navigate towards a sustainable future?

How can we engage companies to navigate towards a sustainable future?

This was the key question our director Thomas addressed at the Photo Impakt event. Alongside Maif and the IQo consultancy, they shared their experiences and perspectives on developing CSR strategies and impactful business models. 🌱

🙌 We were delighted to take part in this event and raise awareness among tomorrow’s young leaders on the rooftops of KEDGE Business School, in the Parc National des Calanques.

🌊 This event brought together citizens, companies and students around a common goal: preserving the ocean.

It was also an opportunity to reunite with former Pure Ocean team members Clément Pourtal and Atlantine Boggio-Pasqua – what a pleasure it is to continue acting together! 💙 As well as Laurent Debas from the Planète mer association, who carry the Yaf Keru project, supported thanks to your donations since March 2023. Pure Ocean Lovers were out in force!

Thank you to all the participants and to the Photo Impakt organizing team! 🌎

📸 Well done to the photographers! The 100 works on display, highlighting the beauty and fragility of the sea, marine life and coastlines, raised awareness and inspired change.


Discover our 2024 projects ➡️ Bycatch & and Beyond 🪝🦈

Discover our 2024 projects ➡️ Bycatch & and Beyond 🪝🦈

Every year, tens of thousands of rays, sharks and cetaceans fall victim to “by-catch”, i.e. accidentally caught without being targeted by fishermen. Caught in nets, these sensitive marine animals find themselves trapped with no hope of survival. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), up to 40% of the world’s fishing catch is by-catch.

❌ Worse still, a large proportion of these catches are not even reported. Artisanal fishermen, faced with technical and logistical difficulties, lack the means to report such incidents. The animals are therefore discreetly thrown back into the water, leading to their silent extinction.

✨ This is where the Bycatch & Beyond project comes in. Its aim is to involve artisanal fishermen in monitoring endangered species in the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. How can we do this? By providing them with low-tech, easy-to-use GPS radio tracking devices. These devices will not only enable them to report by-catches of rays and sharks, but also to create a network of fishermen-actors in the collection of conservation data.

📽️ Watch the video of Alifa Bintha Haque, Zoology researcher at the University of Dhaka, who is behind this fascinating project!


D-1 to World Ocean Day: general mobilization!

D-1 to World Ocean Day: general mobilization!

On this day of awareness, what can we do for the ocean? For our part, we recently carried out several actions for our blue lung ⤵️

♻️ Waste collection: a double action! Prevent plastic waste from ending up in the sea, while raising awareness among a company’s employees. 💪

🍹 Shine a light on the ocean with the Blue Cocktail 🍸 Hotels in Marseille get involved with Pure Ocean via a commitment cocktail for a healthier ocean! A simple and enjoyable way to contribute to the cause.

🗣️ Conferences: Invite companies to get involved at a dedicated conference, as we did at the @Photo Impakt event 📸. A great way to share knowledge and create synergies.

🌟 Gather around this cause at special events to raise awareness of the importance of the ocean, such as for the 10th anniversary of @Terrasses du port.

💙 But above all: support it, again and again, like at our Ocean Gala to benefit ocean research, alongside 250 Pure Ocean Lovers.

And you, what are you going to do for the ocean this June 8? We’re counting on you!



Wow, what energy and emotion! 💙

A vibrant evening of conviviality and generosity, in a magical setting overlooking the Mediterranean, we couldn’t have dreamed of a better way to celebrate the ocean! 

A huge THANK YOU to the 250 ocean lovers who came together to support our precious blue lung, it was simply incredible. 

The auction was a real success thanks to your generosity: 76,509 euros were raised for ocean research! 🙌

All funds raised will be dedicated to ocean research to better understand and protect our ocean. Thank you so much to everyone for your unwavering support. 

Bravo and thanks to Nathalie Simon who hosted the evening with energy and good humor. Many thanks to Gérard Passedat for this exceptional meal. 🎉

Thank you for your commitment to the organization:

🌟 GNB EVENTS, & Loïc Maqueron, for the technical side,

🌟 Maison R&C: Yonathan Chamla and Romain Rudondy, auctioneers & auction moderators,

🌟 Sophie Salerno for her invaluable organizational advice,

🌟 Pixel Orsi for the catalogs,

🌟 Mole Passedat and Mucem for reception,

🌟 Marie Lacoste and Allegoria Studio, for photos & video.

And thanks to our partners for the prizes that raised funds for research

Ainhoa Leiceaga Alexandre Mazzia Alexis Jandard Antoine Dupont Beuchat Breitling Bruno Fabre Candela Coste Chaude David Vanadia Dédé Nafi Floriane Lisowski Fondation Michele Vasarely FROJO 1854 Gas Bijoux Jott Marie De Buttet Mahn Kloix Les Roches Blanches Le Collectif jaune Ludovic Gérard Lulli sur la toile Restaurant AM par Alexandre Mazzia Printemps Sébastien Arcouet SK Lerner Terrasse du Port Treizieme homme

Cette soirée mémorable de partage et d’engagement n’aurait pas été possible sans chacune d’entre vous 🙏