48H Chrono “la Goutte Bleue” with Proman

For European Sustainable Development Week, the 350 PROMAN branches in France and their foreign subsidiaries have launched the 3rd edition of their 48-hour LA GOUTTE BLEUE challenge. Why ? To take care of our planet by collecting as much rubbish as possible from the sea, forests and towns.

Organised in partnership with PROMAN France, the Proman Foundation and supported by L’OCCITANE Group and Sanofi, Pure Ocean has produced a travelling photo exhibition entitled “Taking Care of Nature“, with photographer Victor Janjic. The aim of these 10 works is to raise public awareness of the problem of abandoned waste that ends up in the sea, because every second, around the world, 250 kilos of plastic are thrown back into the ocean – the equivalent of one bin lorry per minute.

The exhibition opened at Proman’s head office in Manosque on 14 September.

This inauguration, followed by a collection at Lac des Vannades, brought together and raised awareness among more than 70 people: young people from the Mission Locale des Alpes de Haute-Provence , de l´E2C04 , UDE 04 , BNP Paribas , Lothantique B Contact Développement,Vincent Allevard Vice-Chairman responsible for waste collection DLVA, Camille GaltierMayor of Manosque and new Chairman of DLVA, and our teams.

A big thanks to @Proman, la Fondation PROMAN L’OCCITANE Group, et Sanofi for their support and involvement in this projec Together for Ocean!