22 March: World Water Day
Today, 22 March, is World Water Day, an opportunity to draw attention to the importance of freshwater.
Water covers 70% of our planet, but did you know that only 2.5% of this is fresh water? A precious resource vital to 100% of the world’s population and to the biodiversity essential to our survival.
⚠️ However, according to the WHO and UNICEF, in 2022, 2.2 billion people, or more than 1/4 of the world’s population, will still lack safe drinking water.
At Pure Ocean, we are convinced that in order to preserve, we need to understand. Where is all this fresh water? Most of it is stored in glaciers (68.7%), followed by groundwater (30.1%), permafrost (0.8%) and just 0.4% on the surface!
💦 Finally, less than 1% of the water on Earth is both fresh and liquid, a rare and precious resource that must be protected.
But water circulates. Remember the water cycle? Everything that enters this cycle is integrated and travels with our precious water. Every substance dumped, every piece of plastic pollutes the entire cycle. That’s why every action has an impact on our health.
🩵 This World Water Day, let’s commit to preserving and protecting our precious blue treasure.